Photo-A-Day | Documenting my children every day for the month of January.
Went to the dentist yesterday.
You still can’t discern between “dentist”
And “Dennis.”
One works on your teeth,
The other cut your hair the other day.
Over and over you would tell me that
Dennis doesn’t look at your teeth.
Gosh, that was hard to explain,
And I’m still not sure you got it.
Moving on.
Hung out with the dentist.
Found out you had a cavity.
Boo on those Sugar-Butts.
He’s not sure why since your teeth were perfect six months ago.
Me neither.
I’m bummed about it.
You’re a good brusher, even though I do it for you.
Even though that new Spinbrush is pretty nifty.
So, we have a pact:
Teeth brushing all the time.
Especially after our late night cookies and milk dates.
Brush-a, brush-a, brush-a.
Let’s get those Sugar Butts!