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Yep. It’s Friday. It’s the Friday of the longest week of my working career. And now it’s Friday night, and I’m at home, kids are asleep, husband is knocked out.

Then there’s me. Up late and working at the computer.

I hadn’t taken my 365 image for the day and thought about it briefly. I have intentions to shoot a self-portrait of myself at least once a month, maybe a little more than that. And since this week was very exhausting, physically/mentally/emotionally, I just knew there would be no better way to document what a working mother of four looks like on a Friday night. Wiped off makeup, smeared eye liner, the tired look in the eyes. That’s me, in all my glory and I’m real. But 10-15 years ago when I thought I looked pretty decent? I wouldn’t have had the courage to be so bold, even when my skin/body/tan/hair/whatever was perfect.

Perfect is how you feel. It is not determined by others or by society, only you. And even though I look tired, and sometimes I feel even more tired, I’m happy, confident, and slowly becoming content with my age and the changes my body is seeing. My cup runneth over, so much in fact, that I need another to catch the overflow.

Happy Friday. Here’s to a 3-day weekend.