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So, you’ve been dragging around this year. It’s one term paper after another. Homework. Sports. Makin’ the grades. Even trying to squeeze in some quality, it’s-our-last-year time with your friends.

And I won’t even make mention of that after-school job that pays for the almost $3/gallon gas, just to ride around on the weekends.

I get it: there’s just not any time to left to get those senior pictures taken. And it probably doesn’t help that Mom has been on your case about it since midway through your junior year. You remember quite well telling her that you’d do it, but amidst the busy-ness that is your senior year, it just slipped your mind.

Well, have no fear, the 2011 Senior Express is here!! What is it? Read on, and get excited. I mean, start jumping up and down because I’ve now come to your rescue. No thanks required.