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Yesterday, my two youngest children celebrated their birthdays. They are three years apart, and my only two, back-to-back, same sex children. (Interesting to see how this plays out, with two girls who will be close enough in age to be best friends and fight over clothes!) I had a little session with them both, and let me tell you, parents, it is way harder to photograph my own children than it is to photograph anyone else’s children. Trust me. I wrote them both a little something to go along with one image that I completed of each of them separately. It’s been a fun year with two little girls and I love them both dearly.

baby girl first birthday pettiskirt tutu pink white backdrop stephanie greenwell southeast missouri photographer

My sweet Eden.
Today you are a year old,
And somehow I’m in disbelief.
Another baby celebrating
This momentous day.
But my last baby to see
A first birthday.
I always cry in the weeks,
Especially the days,
Leading up to this special day.
I just want to soak it all in.
This morning,
When I woke up,
We all gathered in bed to watch
Videos of you
Since you were born.
I won’t lie,
I held back tears,
Until everyone scattered out of the room.
I can still remember every moment
Leading up to your birth.
And every moment
We spent together in the hospital.
And how I never parted from you
During maternity leave.
I wanted to soak it all in.
The struggles of nursing you.
The pumping.
All of that pumping.
The triumph of finally winning
Our breastfeeding war.
The oh-so-sweet snuggles.
The fascination you had with me
Gently swiping your face
With my hair.
The coos you made,
As if tell me you loved it.
And that you loved me.
You knew we were made for one another.
My last daughter,
My last child,
My last first year.
Sweet Eden,
You are a blessing
We didn’t know
We could receive.
You were a God send
In the darkest moments
In the deep well of my pain.
You are so very loved,
And our lives are now complete
Because you are here.
Your first year with us
Has been nothing short of
Extraordinary and undeserved.
You are a special baby girl,
And on this, your special day,
We celebrate the
Blessing that you are to us.
You complete us.
We love you, Sweet Eden.
Happy first birthday.

little girl birthday crown pettiskirt tutu pink white backdrop stephanie greenwell southeast missouri photographer

Oh, Harper.
Never in my wildest dreams
Did I ever imagine
The whirling tornado
With guns blazing
That you are.
So funny, so cute,
So tempestuous, so very smart,
So rowdy, so independent,
So, oh gosh, the list goes on.
But I’ve been through this before,
Your big sister was,
And still is,
That same little firecracker
That you are now becoming.
With one exception.
I think you are more of a
Fireworks display on the
Fourth of July,
With a rainbow of colors.
This past year has been
A big change for you.
You went from being our baby,
The one that we all spoiled,
To a big sister of a baby girl
Who also shares your birthday.
What a great title that
Has been bestowed upon you!
But I know it’s still been a challenge.
All that attention you used to get
As the baby,
Now some of it is given to your baby sister.
I know you love her.
I know you love me.
And I know you have your struggles
With your new title
And all that comes with it.
But you’re doing a great job.
You love Eden so much,
Always waking her up to play with her,
Much to my dismay at times.
Constantly watching for her,
And screaming to me if Eden
Gets something she shouldn’t
You are her Protector,
Her watchman at the lighthouse.
And I swell with pride.
Last night, as you played
With your new cupcake set,
You showed Eden how to “make” them,
Talking her through the process,
The colors,
The candles,
Stuff big sisters tell little sisters.
And even when Eden was messing them up,
You held your disapproval at bay,
And showed her kindness in your words.
You are a very special young lady,
and while you constantly test
Our patience and our mental capacity
To go through another tantrum,
You give us the confidence to know
That we are loved,
With your sweet hugs and “I love you’s”,
Your crazy joy,
And boisterous laughter.
Happy 4th birthday,
My lovely Harper Grace.
You add so much sparkle to our lives,
And I’ve always loved fireworks displays.
I love you, sweet girl.