John Cooper.
It didn’t sit well with me at first. I’ve never been a “two-name” kind of person. Unless I need to make my point.
When your Daddy and I finally agreed on a name, we didn’t imagine that you’d be a two-namer. It was your older siblings that set this in stone. After telling them the name we had chosen for you, they just naturally gravitated to “John Cooper.” I cringed, I wanted it to be just Cooper. (But initially, I had chosen the name “Sutton”; your father, however, wasn’t feeling it.)
I have to say, though, hearing your brother and sisters say it over and over, it finally grew on me. And when you were born, I just knew it: You were John Cooper. And I even made up a song to the theme of “Tomorrow” from the Annie play, and used your name. It soothed you many times and it still turns your head when I sing it:
“John COO-per, John COO-per, I love you, John Cooper;
You’ll always be my baby boy.”
My sweet little John Cooper, there are no other two names for you.
Of course, over this past year, you’ve had quite a few nicknames. John Pooper(being a breastfed baby, you inevitably pooped A LOT), Pooper John, Cooper John, Pooper Scooper, Buddy Boy, Coop-Coop, Cooper-Man, Johnny Cooper. I hope we haven’t scarred you for life. Or confused you.
And then there’s another nickname that warranted another made up song: Fat Baby. “Where’s my fat, fat, fat-fat baaaayby?!?” Dear Heavens, what have I done to you???
Although it was on the horizon, I never really planned to have another child. Never planned to spread my love to another being, the way I have with you. I never planned on my other children being so welcoming, so helpful, so thoughtful to have another sibling to join our wild and crazy brood.
I never planned you. God did.
He saw fit for your Daddy and I to raise another child in this crazy world, our crazy world, and to bring more joy and happiness in each of our hearts. That, my son, is something you do every single day for each of us. Your smile. Your sweetness. Your lovable-ness. You’ve got the total package, baby dude.
Even though this is my 4th time around being a momma, it still felt like the first time, what with the wave of happy emotion, giddy excitement, and anxious fears. All things new mothers feel, I still felt them. I still feel them for you and for each of my children. But you know what, Coop-Coop? You’re pretty dang awesome. Seriously.
Your innate joy, your sweet disposition as a baby, through this first year, have been a welcome respite from the busy-ness of every day. And the fact that your siblings, although sweet and lovable, were a little bit more rowdy than you ever showed. Well, until recently, that is. (You’ve become quite vocal, but I guess that comes with being around your siblings, you’ve learned to not sit back.)
Simply put, you were meant for us way before we ever knew you could exist. Happy 1st birthday, John Cooper!