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So, as if I don’t have enough going on in my life, I decided to be part of a really awesome project with some other fabulous ladies. It’s titled, “My World, Your World” and we pair up with another photographer in our group and put a spin on the week’s theme. However, since my partner and I couldn’t commit to the full 52-week project, we are doing a Project 12. This week’s/month’s theme was black & white. I tell ya, I’m creative on my own, but when I have a theme to follow, I get all kinds of crazy. My mind starts frettin’ over what to do. Then I just do it.

This image was taken on the day that John Cooper was 15 months old. He’s climbing E.VER.Y.WHERE. and you can’t keep him off of the breakfast table. Or the end tables in the family room. Or the furniture. Dude won’t stay off of anything, even when he falls. Lessons not learned will only make him stronger, right?


Here, he’s obsessed with this vase and the pine cones contained inside. And he’s obviously quite enthralled, which allowed me to capture a moment of stillness that is so rare in him these days.

Now go check out my friend Tina Le’laine, Boise, Idaho’s fabulous baby and child photographer.